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You're a Clownfish!

Looks like you're a Clownfish, along with about 6% of people in the UK. Find out more about your natural strengths and areas to improve, plus the types of job that might best suit your personality.




Clownfish are energetic, creative, and busy fish. They often find new and clever ways of doing things, craving variety, and action. They are often drawn to express themselves through drama, words, or art. They dislike being told what to do – they would rather work things out for themselves.

Clownfish are enthusiastic problem-solvers. They are always happy to improvise, strive to be different and develop a unique style. They are great at getting things done last minute. They like moving onto new things, as they are so easily bored and distracted. They are often risk-takers who prefer original thinking rather than playing by the rules - this is when their persuasiveness is useful.

Natural roles for clownfish


Clownfish thrive when they bring their humour, spontaneity, energy, imagination, and performance skills into the classroom. If they are enthused by a topic, they’re likely to get the whole class involved. When struggling they’ll either be rebellious or disengage and become lost in their own imagination. They get back on track with creative projects, discussions, and choice with clear stated deadlines.

Advice for Clownfish

We asked older Clownfish what advice they’d send back to their teenage self to make sure they were happy and successful:

  • To discuss your dreams and ideas with trusted friends to help you identify the best options, then stick to them.
  • To embrace the important details and routines, especially around your health and well-being.
  • To step back and think before reacting emotionally.
  • To worry less about impressing other people.

Do you think their advice can help you?

Job and course ideas

For career happiness Clownfish enjoy using their imagination to support or understand people. They also like working for organisations that share their inclusive and nurturing values. Looking for the right company and team are as important as the job role to Clownfish. 

Courses and careers including advising, persuading, educating, counselling, or treating people, psychology, languages, marketing, human resources, public relations, tourism, journalism, performing, politics, and design are all a natural fit for exuberant Clownfish.

Careers likely to increase in the next ten years which suit the Clownfish interest in creating a better world include:

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Vlogger
  • Data Broker
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Content Creator,
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence 

Create a list of your top ten job ideas. You can update it when you have new ideas.

Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • Art Therapist
  • Charity Fundraiser
  • Speech Therapist
  • Equalities Officer
  • Environmental Consultant
  • Journalist
  • Member of Parliament (MP)
  • Psychologist
  • Teacher
  • Pet Behaviour Consultant
  • Nurse
  • Tour Guide
  • Welfare Rights Officer
  • Vlogger

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